83 Three Must-Have Email Campaigns Your Business Should Have

83 Three Must-Have Email Campaigns Your Business Should Have

November 25, 2020 by Corinna

Are you using email marketing yet to acquire new customers and turn them into lifelong buyers?

In this episode, I break down the confusing world of email marketing and share the top 3 “must-have” email campaigns that I think you should have in your marketing machine.

I used to do a LOT of email overkill. Over the years, I’ve toned it down a bit and figured out what pieces are making the biggest impact. There are THREE email sequences I build for my signature products. By “sequence,” I mean a series of emails that automatically drip out to your prospect or customer on a set schedule, based on a trigger action.

You pre-write these emails in advance, turn them on, and then let them do the work of customer acquisition and service for you! Let’s take a listen to find out what they are and what should go in them!

Hit play and let’s get started!

Some of the resources mentioned in this episode:

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