Helping Farmers Get Better at Marketing

85 How I Build My Annual Promotional Calendar

December 9, 2020 by Corinna It’s the end of the fiscal year, and that means I’m looking ahead to build my marketing plan for 2021. Yes, we actually create a forecast and plan. This is a necessary step for me. I didn’t always have a plan. I used to just say, “I need to make…
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84 The Eight Critical Systems You Need to Build for Your Marketing Machine

December 2, 2020 by Corinna I often get emails from farmers like this: “I like everything you’re teaching. But I feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Can you break it down into a simple strategy?” I do a lot of things every week to keep the flywheel spinning. But if I had to…
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83 Three Must-Have Email Campaigns Your Business Should Have

November 25, 2020 by Corinna Are you using email marketing yet to acquire new customers and turn them into lifelong buyers? In this episode, I break down the confusing world of email marketing and share the top 3 “must-have” email campaigns that I think you should have in your marketing machine. I used to do…
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Episode 82 Four Ways I Use My Facebook Group to Help My Marketing

November 11, 2020 by Corinna Our Facebook group is one of the drivers of our CSA. Thanks to the community we’ve created inside this platform, we are grooming super-users over time! So how can a Facebook group benefit your CSA and business? It’s not just a place to post recipes or share video tutorials! In…
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Episode 81: SOLD OUT! My CSA’s Early Bird Renewal Results and How I Did It

November 4, 2020 by Corinna Holy smokes! Big news! It’s November 1st, and my CSA 2021 season is already sold out. 400 spots gone in 14 days. In this week’s podcast episode, I share exactly how I got there, and what my key take-aways were from the sales strategy that drove these crazy results. It’s…
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Episode 80 What Do You Need to Know About Your Customer? (Part 2)

October 28, 2020 by Corinna How well do you actually know your customer? I don’t mean demographics… I mean the deep stuff. What makes them tick? Why are they standing by you?  Here’s the secret to being a great marketer: The best marketers know their customer like the back of their hand. They know what drives…
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Episode 79 – Part 1 ~ What Do You Need to Know About Your Customer?

October 21, 2020 by Corinna How well do you actually know your customer? I don’t mean demographics… I mean the deep stuff. What makes them tick? Why are they standing by you?  Here’s the secret to being a great marketer: The best marketers know their customer like the back of their hand. They know what drives…
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Episode 78 CSA Farming Secrets with Cassie Noltnerwyss of Crossroads Community Farm

October 14, 2020 by Corinna In today’s episode I interview one of the big guns of CSA, Cassie Noltnerwyss of Crossroads Community Farm, and we talk ALL things CSA. Cassie and her partner Mike started farming at Crossroads Community Farm in Cross Plains, Wisconsin in 2005. Together they run an 800 member family CSA in…
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77 The Best Time to Sell Your Product?

October 7, 2020 by Corinna When is the BEST time to sell your CSA? Is there one? My answer is unequivocally yes. As a marketer, you are always trying to get the right product, at the right price, at the right place, at the right time. So how do you figure out when that time…
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76 How to Grease the Wheels to More CSA Member Renewals

September 30, 2020 by Corinna Are you doing a sales push to get your CSA members to renew early? If so, did you know there are some things you can be doing NOW to “grease the wheels” to get them in the right mindset to say “yes?” In this podcast, I share 9 ways you…
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