Helping Farmers Get Better at Marketing

212 Marketing a CSF Fishery: My Interview with SeaForager

May 24, 2023 by Corinna In today’s podcast, I interview Camilla Lombard, co-owner of SeaForager — a community supported fishery located in the San Francisco Bay area. Camilla is doing a lot of things intrinsically right with her marketing. Her location is ideal for her product. As the author of a renowned seaforager’s guide, her…
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211 Are You Communicating Your Farm’s Location in Your Marketing?

May 17, 2023 by Corinna Last month, I booked a massage with a new LMT that I found via Google. Thirty minutes before my appointment, I realized that she wasn’t located in Oak Harbor, Ohio. She was located in Oak Harbor, WASHINGTON. Yeah. How did this happen? I’m still trying to figure out what I…
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210 The Secret to Farm Customer Retention is…

May 10, 2023 by Corinna Are customers experiencing success with your product? Or are they overwhelmed and confused once they get it in their kitchen? (Maybe they’re not even using the product because they’ve given up on it!?) Yikes! As a marketer, our job is not just to get our customers to buy. We ALSO…
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209 Selling Inspiration – Interview with Lyndsay Biehl of Wildroot Flower Co

May 3, 2023 by Corinna How important is it to inspire your customers with your business? In today’s podcast, I dig into that question with flower farmer Lyndsay Biehl of Wildroot Flower Company. Over the last 6 years, she has slowly built an organic following of super-fans. And after our conversation, I have my suspicions…
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208 How to Make Word of Mouth Marketing Go Viral: Book Study on Contagious

April 26, 2023 by Corinna How are you leveraging word of mouth? It is still by far the #1 way that people hear about your product. So are you building any mechanisms to encourage this to happen more? And what if I told you that around 60% of word of mouth marketing for your brand…
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207 A Quick Tweak to Sell MORE of Your Product

April 19, 2023 by Corinna Do you have a product that isn’t selling well in your online store? In today’s episode, I share a strategy you can try that may change your low-seller to a best-seller. And it only takes 5 minutes. This idea was inspired by the breakfast buffet table at my women’s Bible…
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Bonus Podcast: The Implications of Local Line’s Big Announcement for Farms

April 17, 2023 by Corinna A BONUS episode?! That’s right. I don’t do these very often. But recently, Local Line released some big news for their platform, which have some exciting possibilities for farmers using their platform. This news was so big, that I wanted to make sure farmers heard about it NOW before the season gets intense…
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206 What is a Flower Farmer Really Selling? My Interview with Dogwood Farm

April 12, 2023 by Corinna What makes a person decide to buy themselves a bouquet of flowers? Knowing the answer to this question may be the key to selling more of them. In today’s podcast, I interview flower farmer Kendra Kennedy of Dogwood Flower Farm in Wisconsin. Her goal is to build her entire farm…
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117 Talking About the Why Behind Your Business

July 21, 2021 by Corinna What is your customer REALLY buying from you? Do you know? (Hint: it’s not just your vegetables). What if it’s more than the product itself? Newsflash: People don’t buy the “what” — they buy the WHY behind your business. In fact, it’s the “why” that bonds them to your brand…
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116 Filling Your CSA Pipeline using a Surplus Subscription with Victoria Rogowski

July 14, 2021 by Corinna What do you do when your CSA is “sold out?” Are people just “out of luck”? Shut down with no where to go? What if you could create an offer that would attract people into your CSA leads pipeline, who would convert to full time members the following year? In…
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